What we’ve learned from multiple generations in friction material

High-quality brakes, supported nationwide by a family-owned company, can provide your fleet a huge advantage. We work daily to earn our reputation of providing fleets with a proven solution that reduces the number of brake jobs and keeps trucks on the road generating revenue.

Too many fleets are not achieving the life they should from air disc brakes

Bremskerl CV has the solution

Hundreds of thousands of sets sold in the USA

Proven over millions of miles by national fleets

You can have both extended pad and rotor life

Genuine Bremskerl

If the pad is not Green,
it’s not Bremskerl

Let us help lower your maintenance costs by reducing the number of pads and rotors you change.

Bremskerl Green Brake Pads are protected under US Trademark


Designed to provide your fleet with extended life, just like our world-class brake pads.


Remanufactured in the USA

Bremskerl is a proud member of the following industry organizations: